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The Use of Compassionate Ivermectin in the Management of Symptomatic Outpatients and Hospitalized Patients with Clinical Diagnosis of Covid-19 at the Centro Medico Bournigal and at the Centro Medico Punta Cana, Grupo Rescue, Dominican Republic, from May 1 to August 10, 2020

Morgenstern et al., J. Clinical Trials (date from preprint)
Nov 2020  
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Ivermectin for COVID-19
4th treatment shown to reduce risk in August 2020
*, now with p < 0.00000000001 from 105 studies, recognized in 23 countries.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments. * >10% efficacy, ≥3 studies.
4,800+ studies for 95 treatments.
Retrospective 3,099 outpatients treated with ivermectin in an ER. Of 2,706 treated on an outpatient basis, 18 were subsequently hospitalized, 2 in the ICU, and there was one death (0.04%).
The average treatment delay for patients treated on an outpatient basis was 3.6 days, compared to 6.9 days for hospitalized patients, and 7.8 days for ICU patients.
For the 300 late treatment hospitalized patients there was 3 deaths. For the 111 very late treatment ICU patients there was 34 deaths.
Morgenstern et al., 3 Nov 2020, peer-reviewed, 14 authors.
This PaperIvermectinAll
The Use of Compassionate Ivermectin in the Management of Symptomatic Outpatients and Hospitalized Patients with Clinical Diagnosis of Covid-19 at the Centro Medico Bournigal and at the Centro Medico Punta Cana, Grupo Rescue, Dominican Republic, from May 1 to August 10, 2020
José Morgenstern, José N Redondo, Albida De León, Juan Manuel Canela, Nelson Torres Castro, Johnny Tavares, Miguelina Minaya, Óscar López, Ana Castillo, Ana María Plácido, Rafael Peña Cruz, Yudelka Merette, Marlenin Toribio, Juan Asmir Francisco, Santiago Roca
No antiviral has been shown to reduce mortality in SARS-COV-2 patients to date. In the present Retrospective observational study, 3,099 patients with a definitive or highly probable diagnosis of infection due to COVID-19 were evaluated between May 1st to August 10th, 2020, at the Centro Medico Bournigal (CMBO) and the Centro Medico Punta Cana (CMPC), and all received compassionate treatment with Ivermectin and Azithromycin. A total of 2,706 (87.3%) were discharged for outpatient treatment, all with mild severity of the infection. The average between the onset of symptoms and the Emergency Room (ER) visit in outpatients was 3.6 days (Early Treatment). In 2,688 (99.33%) with outpatient treatment, the disease did not progress to warrant further hospitalization and there were no deaths. In 16 (0.59%) with outpatient treatment, it was necessary their subsequent hospitalization to a room without any death. In 2 (0.08%) with outpatient treatment, it was necessary their admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and 1 (0.04%) patient died. There were 411 (13.3%) patients hospitalized, being admitted at a COVID-19 room with a moderate disease 300 (9.7%) patients of which 3 (1%) died; and with a severe to critical disease were hospitalized in the ICU 111 (3.6%), 34 (30.6%) of whom died. The mortality percentage of patients admitted to the ICU of 30.6% is similar with the percentage found in the literature of 30.9%. Total mortality was 37 (1.2%) patients, which is much lower than that reported in world statistics, which are around 3%, by the time of completion of this study.
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